Friday, January 30, 2009

Next week

The next week we are meeting on Wednesday (Feb. 4th) in the same cafe (Cafe Heaven in Teréz krt, between the Nyugati and the Oktogon), at 5.30 PM.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What a night!

The club is really international... Tonight we had guests... from Alaska! A ravelry friend of mine has an aunt who was travelling to Hungary. Teal was sending me a package with her (details about that are on my blog ) but it turned out she is also a knitter, so I invited her to our knitting night!
Here she is with her friend:

After such a long hiatus Dinara finally joined us again:

And here is our lovely English lady, Jenny:

(Pictures are shot by my son, Christopher. Very well done for an eight year old I guess)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A note from Amanda...

I've written to Amanda (the girl who brought us together with Kriszta), and this is part of her reply:

Thanks for writing. I am so glad to see you guys are still meeting. I also looked at the site. It’s a great idea. I also noticed you but me as the honorary founder, and I was so deeply moved I teared up. I am just so glad to have motivated knitters to meet and work together. It makes me so proud.
As of late the economy is crashing, so I have just been working a lot. I am working at a zoo making all the food for the animals, and at a bakery in the afternoons. I hope that when things even out a little more the zoo will bring me on full time. I am also trying to knit all the yarn I bought while I was in Europe, but it is a lot of yarn and i don’t get to knit but so much with all the working.

Amanda, I do think of you as our founder, because without you the group wouldn't exist...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our next meeting

We was about to cancel our next meeting when... I have an Internet friend in Alaska, Teal, whose aunt is here in Hungary and would join us. It would be a shame to miss an opportunity like that, so I called Jenny and set up the meeting. Because of the parental meeting in my son's school I can't make it earlier than 6, so we are going to meet in Cofe Heaven (Which is in the Nagykörút, about halfway between the Nyugati (Westend station) and the Octogon on the side of the even numbers. Can't wait to see you all!

Már éppen ki akartuk hagyni a jövő heti találkozást... De... Van egy internetes barátom Alaskában, Teal, akinek a nagynénje Magyarországra jön, és csatlakozna hozzánk... Ezt azért kár lenne kihagyni, hát felhívtam Jenny-t és megegyeztünk, hogy mégis találkozunk. A fiam sulijában szülői értekezlet lesz, így nem tudnék hatnál előbb jönni, ezért 6.30-kor találkozunk, a Cafe Heaven-ben ami a Nagykörúton van, kb félúton a Nyugati és az Oktogon között (a páros oldalon). Már alig várom!


After so many times of thinking and talking about this I finally managed to put this up.
We've had our little club for almost a year now. Three of us started it Amanda (who is back in the US since), Kriszta, and I(Anett). Then Dinara came, and Genia (who left for Geneva since), Nicole, Modestine, and Jenny, with an occasional visit from Tania, and Suad.
Naturally we always look out for new members. Any new members are WELCOME!

There is no real rules, except we knit. I named it Craft Club, because we wouldn't chase away nobody who would love to join us, but crochets or embroiders, or does some other craft.

We speak several languages, but there is always someone who speaks English and someone who speaks Hungarian.

This site is to keep up with each other, announce what happens, when, where is the next meeting, and things like that.

Come, join us!

Oly sok gondolkodás, és beszélgetés után végre sikerült felraknom ezt az oldalt! A kis klubbunk már majdnem egy éves! Hárman kezdtük, Amanda (aki azóta visszament az USA-ba, Kriszta, és én (Anett). Később Dinara csatlakozott, majd Zsenya (aki azóta Genfbe költözött), Tánya, Nicole, Modestin és persze Jenny. Időről időre velünk van Tanya, és Suad is.
Természetesen mindig örömmel látunk új tagokat, aki csatlakozni szeretne ne habozzon, szeretettel várjuk!
Nincsenek szabályaink, azon kívül, hogy kötünk. Kézimunka Klubnak neveztük el, mert senkit nem zavarunk el, ha éppen horgol, vagy gyöngyöt fűz.
Több nyelven is beszélünk, de minden találkozón van valaki aki beszél angolul, és van valaki, aki beszél magyarul!
Ezt az oldalt azért készítettem, hogy tudjuk mi történik, hol és mikor találkozunk legközelebb.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello everyone!

Finally I managed to put this up.